Welcome, refer to quick guide on socially to get started, you can raise a ticket over here in detail for us to get back to you.


How to setup custom domain/sub-domain on socially

IMPORTANT: You need to raise a ticket here to enable custom domain. Certain dns providers require custom SSL to be enabled. 

The entire process is 70% automated but still requires manual intervention for the first time. 

You will need to have access to your domain on your dns provider to manually paste 2 CNAME records.

1. The first record is to point your community to your domain

2. The second record is to enable SSL

When you raise a ticket, we will need the following details

1. Your prefered domain/sub-domain name

2. Your DNS provider e.g namecheap,godaddy etc

Once done, you need to head over to domains to check if connected.

How does support work?

1. Our support team will send you a calendly link to get you on a call incase it's not solve-able on email.

2. Once you are on a call with our team, we will guide you & get this sorted in no time(takes usually 15-20 minutes)